Fish bone and meat separator line on the market

There are many lines of fish bone and meat separators, so we have surveyed and collected all of these size lines to advise and support each customer’s exact requirements, helping customers make the right choice.

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Sabuk konveyor FDA memisahkan daging dan tulang

Produk konveyor pemisahan tulang memenuhi semua persyaratan ukuran mesin, sehingga dipercaya oleh banyak pelanggan dan telah menjadi distributor resmi di pasar yang menuntut seperti Rusia, Korea, Thailand,…

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Rubber ring products to separate meat and fish bones

Rubber ring products to separate meat and fish bones contribute to improving the productivity of making surimi fish cakes for many domestic and foreign customers.

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고무줄이 생선뼈를 분리해줌

고무생선 발골 스트립은 식품에 안전한 합성고무 소재를 사용하여 내마모성과 인열성이 우수하여 연육 생산성이 높습니다.

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Rubber conveyor belt in contact with food

The deboning conveyor belt can come into contact with fish meat because in addition to FDA-compliant material standards, the conveyor belt also has high durability, contributing to optimizing fish meat productivity.

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The company specializes in manufacturing bone separation rubber

Bone separation rubber is not a difficult product that requires high technology, but it requires quality in terms of food safety and durability over time of use to bring the best meat and fish productivity to users.

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Technical rubber in the seafood industry

In the processing lines of the seafood industry, there are always applications of technical rubber products, one of the most typical products is deboned rubber for processing surimi fish cakes.

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뼈 분리 고무 컨베이어 벨트 수출

발골 고무 컨베이어 벨트는 국내 시장 독점 제품일 뿐만 아니라 일본, 태국, 인도, 브라질 등 많은 시장에서 품질과 명성을 입증해 왔습니다.

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Băng tải cao su tách xương xuất khẩu

Ngoài là sản phẩm độc quyền tại thị trường trong nước, băng tải cao su tách xương đã và đang khẳng định chất lượng và uy tín tại nhiều thị trường như Nhật Bản, Thái Lan, Ấn Độ, Brazil,…

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Materiale in gomma per trasportatore di separazione ossea

I materiali in gomma per i nastri trasportatori per la separazione delle ossa sono importati da materie prime provenienti da Giappone, Malesia, Germania, … conformi agli standard di sicurezza alimentare.

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Nastro in gomma per separazione ossea secondo le esigenze del cliente

Il mercato oggi ha molti tipi di macchine spaccaossa con dimensioni diverse, Cao Su Viet incontra il nastro spaccaossa dello stesso tipo con ogni modello di macchina, a seconda delle diverse esigenze dei clienti.

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Faja de hule para separación ósea según requerimiento del cliente

El mercado actual tiene muchos tipos de máquinas para dividir huesos con diversos tamaños, Cao Su Viet cumple con la banda para dividir huesos del mismo tipo con cada modelo de máquina, según los diversos requisitos de los clientes.

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Bone separation rubber belt according to customer requirements

The market today has many types of bone splitting machines with diverse sizes, Cao Su Viet meets the bone splitting belt of the same type with each machine model, depending on the diverse requirements of customers.

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Дай Джай Тач Сыонг

Благодаря своему расположению на берегу Восточного моря Вьетнам активно развивает индустрию замороженных морепродуктов, особенно производство рыбных котлет и сурими с высокой производительностью благодаря работе современных машин и оборудования для разделения мяса и рыбы.

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Dây đai tách xương cá tại Việt Nam

Bên cạnh chức năng tách thịt và xương cá cho năng suất cao; dây đai cao su này còn có khả năng tách vỏ hạt, các loại thịt đỏ, vỏ phô mai ở thị trường nước ngoài như Brazil; Nga…

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Rubber conveyor belt in Vietnam

The bone-splitting rubber belt was first produced at the Viet rubber factory, with the goal of stabilizing the quality, Viet rubber always completed the preparation, production techniques to meet many special requirements from customers..

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Fish deboner belt in caosuviet company

Fish deboner belt products are researched and produced only at Viet rubber factory. There is a laboratory where research and product improvement is increasingly improving the quality and longevity of the product.

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สายพานลำเลียงแยกกระดูกมุ่งเน้นไปที่การลงทุนและการพัฒนาเพื่อตอบสนองความต้องการของลูกค้าทั่วประเทศเวียดนามในทันที นอกจากจำหน่ายทั่วประเทศแล้ว ยางแยกกระดูกยังเข้าถึงตลาดต่างประเทศที่จุกจิกมากมาย

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Mesin pisah tulang daging

Karet tanpa tulang merupakan salah satu produk unggulan karet Vietnam dan memenuhi banyak unsur kualitas dan potensi pengembangan dalam perkembangan industri pengolahan perikanan saat ini.

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